How to Depend on Jesus When Life is Overwhelming

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing, or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this poem blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. But God!

Finding ways to be less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with this Christian Poem that will motivate you to go to God first and allow Him to give you some peace of mind in any given situation you find yourself facing.

Read on if you have been otherwise minded lately but maybe you don’t have the time to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of Christ followers!

In This Life

In this life, you may always live on a dirt road
And walk on rough, rocky gravel ~
But at least you can walk

In this life, you may exist as a mediator to others
Always being pulled into the confusion of others around you ~
It's only because they know you can impart Peace

In this life, you may be picked on,
Called everything but a child of God ~
Don't give up on God . . .
Nothing escapes His watchful eye
You see, it may well be you've been picked out to be picked on,
Which equates to: The Best Is Still Yet To Be ~
For blessings untold of lie just around the bend for you
For just as sure as the devil picked you out to be picked on ~
God picked you out to pick you up,
Set your feet on solid ground . . .
Thank You, Father God, because of You ~
I'm still around ~ Amen

In this life, you will get down
They'll be days you wear a frown ~
But you'll never give in to defeat,
'Cause in your heart you have the joy of knowing,
You're being used as a tool of Love ~
And others are constantly in search of YOU

So count it all joy whatever your life may be
Recognizing it's a gift to be used by the Lord
Make the best of your life without worry or fright
Don't give in to fears ~ it's wasted energy ~
Realize you were born for such a times as this . . .
And it begins in this life